Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Maya teacher Antonio Aj Ik has to say about the popular 2012 media messages - Indigenous Caribbean Network

What Maya teacher Antonio Aj Ik has to say about the popular 2012 media messages - Indigenous Caribbean Network: "Amid the shrill din of false theories filling up the airwaves concerning the Maya 2012 prophecies there are a few serene serious and genuine voices who persist in defying the money grubbing fear-mongers to promote a sane interpretation of the ancient message.
K'iche Maya Calendar 2012 prophecy teacher Antonio Aj Ik of Chahul, Guatemala has launched a series of workshops that totally debunk the apocalyptic myth-makers and present the truth about his ancestor's real predictions.
It is significant to note that from among the countless crowd of Doomsday-scenario spinmasters in the current popular media, Antonio has discovered an authentic researcher who is truly connected to the reality of ancient Maya tradition.

'I only see one person out there who is telling the truth about my people's prophecy', Antonio proclaims. 'His name is John Major Jenkins, and people should be listening to what he says'.

Featured in an August 14 2009 airing of a 2012 Mayan Calendar piece on Fox News, Jenkins stadfastly counters the typical apocalyptic 2012 'End-Times' trash spewed by hs co-guest, Robert Gleason. Gleason keeps up the now familiar litanny of 'Catastrophic End', While Jenkins counters that this is only popular scare-tactics, and that the true Maya message is that of a powerful transition of human consciousness and not any 'End-Of-The-World' scenario.

K'iche Maya teacher Antonio Aj Ik has confirmed Jenkin's message and has assured us that the changes we are experencing in this important time of transition are primarily changes in the human soul!
Check out the Fox News interview"


MAYAN CALENDAR WORKSHOP IN PITTSBURGH - Indigenous Caribbean Network: "Saturday, Sept 26, 2009 Maya Calendar teacher Antonio Aj Ik, K'iche Maya of Guatemala and I presented our 2012 Prophecy workshop at the Open Mind Bookstore in the Pittsburgh subburb of Sewickley, Pennsylvania. We want to thank Phil of the Open Mind for his courteous hosting of our presentation and all of the attendants who not only were concerned enough about this important message to show up at the gathering, but contributed their intelligent questions, coments and responses to the discussion."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ANTONIO AJ IK, Maya teacher and seer

Antonio Aj Ik (Born of the Wind) saw his first light of day in the traditional Maya mountain region of Guatemala during the 1970's on the Maya Calendar day "Ik", a day that alludes to the elemental qualities of the word "Wind". He grew up during the most brutal era in the history of his country, a time during which his people were ruthlessly persecuted and massacred all over the remote Indigenous areas, sending thousands of them into hiding in the cold forbidding forests of the highlands. Several of his siblings were killed durng these terrible times as his family struggled to survive without food or medical care for long periods of time in their efforts to avoid marauding government army units of murderous civilian militias.

From an early age he noticed that in the worst of times his father managed to maintain his bearings by continually immersing himself in the ancient tradition of his ancestors. Unlike most traditionalists, Antonio's father not only practiced the age-old "costumbres" which include the oracular calendar readings performed with the aid of sacred red t'zite seeds, but he also taught himself to read, and informed himself in regards to the written birthright of K'iche Maya folklore, a remarkable ancient text written in the native language of Antonio's people, called the "Popol Vuh". This extraordinary narrative dates back at least two thousand years in written form and several thousand more in spoken form. It is a complete exposition of Maya creation and philosophy, and forms the core theoretic element of the Maya concept of WORLD AGES, a concept which represents the interpretive basis for contemporary 2012 Time Shift theory.

Antonio saw this powerful spiritual survival mechanism, practiced by his father, the steadfast adherence to ancient Indigenous culture, bear fruit not only for his dad, but for many other Mayas accross his country. The people survived. The culture survived. In spite of some of the most ferocious assaults on ancient traditions in the history of Guatemala by foreign religious proselitizers, the spiritual culture survived. Although thousands were killed, many more survived and came back and ultimately thrived in spite of the government's best efforts at erradicating them.

Antonio believes that the reason he survived this terrible childhood ordeal was because he was meant to be one of the many genuine traditional Maya teachers that are now coming out of the crucible of the Guatemalan war and into a world that yearns to hear the truth about the much-touted end of the Maya Calendar, year 2012. With the assistance of Taino Indigenous spiritual teacher, Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague, a member of a Native nation that developed in the Caribbean region, closely neighboring the Maya homeland and in cultural contact with it, Antonio has dedicated himself to seeking individuals, groups, organizations and agencies who are willing to learn from the wisdom of the ancients, who are willing to open their eyes to the truth of what 2012 is really all about.

Antonio and his wife in their home town of Chajul,Guatemala.

Antonio's wife and daughter wear the trademark clothing of their village in a region of the world where people steadfastly cling to the Native customs.

Antonio works on the artwork which forms part of the hand-painted covers for his traditional fold-out, codex Mayan Calendar documents. He makes these available to participants during his workshops.


Antonio is making this powerful tool available in an attempt to awaken us to the rhythms of his people's mystic calendar from the authentic pespective of the traditional Maya. This is done with express permission of his father, a traditional ajk'ij (calendar priest) who now lives in a region near the remote Cuchumatanes mountains of Guatemala.
Antonio has carefully prepared this document so as to make of it an unique introduction to the mysteries of the traditional oracular energies inherent in ancient Mayan time rekoning. It monitors a period of time that spans 360 days, just short of a solar year (365 days). This period of time was called a "tun" by Antonio's Classic-era ancestors. In the past it formed the fundamental basis for the emblematic cycle known as the OxLajuj Baktun, a stretch of time now often called a "World Age" or a "Sun" which forms one fifth of the mighty 26,000-year EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS journey of humankind. Antonio shares with us that his ancestors prophesied our era to be an important moment of transition for the human race, a time during which humanity would gradually pass from one stage of consciousness and understanding into a whole new one. Each of the five Oxlajuj Baktun "World Age" periods constitutes a powerful rebirth of our vision as children of the Sun Spirit and therefore they assigned to each one of these 5200-year cycles the name "SUN". Knowing that we are now actually experiencing the end of the Fifth Sun, the last cycle in the series of five, Antonio has chosen to express this important teaching in the form of a fold-out codex book that closely mirrors the pattern and form of the ancient books used by the sages of his ancestral past.
This document includes the current 360-day cycle spanning the period of time between two key intances of the nagual "AHAU" (Junajpu). The text guides the reader through a simple, clear explanation of the meaning and interpretation behind each day's nagual (glyphic symbol and sacred name). It allows the reader to bring his or her own intuitive energies to bear in the process of delving into the oracular truth behind each day of human life.
The cover is beautifully illustrated with a hand-painted image meticulously created by Antonio himself.


The wisdom of the Nantat, the ancient ancestors of the Maya people, stands as a guide for the teachings that have been passed down to K'iche seer, Antonio Aj Ik, "Born of the Wind". Antonio, with the assistance of Taino Indigenous teacher, Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague, is committed to bringing the tradition of healing and reconciliation to the global family. This is done within the understanding that the knowledge of the CHOLK'IJ Mayan Calendar culture that he inherited from his father, a traditional ajk'ij (sacred calendar priest) from the Guatemalan highlands, is the key to the millenial prophecies which connect humanity to the ancestral cyclical Sowing and Dawning process of our 26,000-year journey of consciousness evolution. These prophecies are fundamental to trully understand the essence of our passage as a species through the Mayan Calendar 2012 portal and beyond.

To schedule a workshop please contact SACRED CALENDAR PROPHECY at or call Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague at (412) 969-4009

Join us at our next workshop Saturday September 26 from 7:00 PM to 9:00PM at the Open Mind Bookstore in Sewickley, Pa.

Call (412) 969-4009 to enroll in the workshop